Wednesday, April 27, 2011

African American Women / Exercise / Hair Dilemma

I was inspired to address the topic of African American women exercising, and their hair dilemma. It is true that we as African American women have to put in some extra time to maintain our appearance (or hair). I must say, that I am sadden that hair has become a big deciding fact for women of color, when it comes to exercising regularly. I am writing this article to start a discussion. I don't have all the answers, and I am hoping other women of color who reads this article that may have some tips to share, will do so by commenting.

First lets look at the facts: According to the Centers for Disease Control/ Minority Health, African American women are twice the national average for being overweight/obese and/or at risk for preventable chronic diseases. Among the at risk chronic diseases are: Type II Diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, stroke, cancer, arthritis and obesity.  It is factual that African American women are more likely not to exercise than women of other ethnic backgrounds. Besides genetics, lifestyle behaviors play an integral role in the quality of our health and wellness. Exercising regularly should be an important part of everyone's routine. Exercise should be as routine as eating and sleeping. However reports show that African American women are lagging behind other ethnic groups pertaining to starting up and maintaining an exercise program.

Ideas For Exercising Regularly and Maintaining The Duo:
  1. Overall, choose hair-styles that won't sweat out in two days. 
  2. If your hair is relaxed: It maybe wise to check around your neighborhood, or inquire about young adults, in high school or college, that are good with styling hair and more affordable then hair salons. 
    • I'm not encouraging you to stop going to the hair salon, but I am encouraging you to use your money wisely. Maybe go to the hair salon once a month, and use the money you would have spent going twice a month with the young adult, which may give you the liberty to get your hair done every weekend vs. only twice a month. Let's face it, in order to exercise regularly, so that you can live longer, getting your hair done weekly or bi-weekly comes with the territory.
  3. If your hair is natural: The two strain twist hair style normally last anywhere from a week to 3-weeks with regular exercise. I know because my hair is natural. It's a 2-in-1 hair style. You can wear it twisted for a week or two, then wear it untwisted for a spiral curl look for a week. 
  4. Using Weaves / Extensions / Wigs To Our Advantage: Okay ladies lets get real. Most African American women use, or have used weaves, extensions, and/or wigs. It's just apart of the culture. If you are okay with weaves, extensions, and wigs, put in consideration your exercise regiment. First of all, don't spend hundreds of dollars on it (See NO. 2 for affordable hair styles). 
    • Weaves: If you are going to get a weave, it's best that you use human hair, or any type hair you can wash. The straight styles are going to last longer then the curly bouffants.  Yes, you will have to curl the ends to maintain the style. If you like curly styles, go with the Wet and wavy hair. 
    • Extensions: Croshaw Braids are not as damaging to the hair as regular single braids, and they normally last 1-2 months. Micro-Braids I don't recommend because they have been known to pull out sections of the hair, if left in more then a couple weeks. 
    • Wigs: I love half wigs. The shack and go wigs are awesome. You get whatever style you like, and blend the front of your hair into it, and go. I never spend more then $35 on a wig, and they last me for at least a month. Very low maintenance. Front lance wigs are very popular right now. You can give it a try if you prefer. 
If you are an all natural female, that can't imagine anything on top of your head besides your own hair, I understand. My best advice to all my sistahs, is to be creative. Think outside the box when it comes to picking a hair style that will allow you to keep up your appearance, and exercise. You may have to wrap-it-up, or pin-it-up during physical activities. You may have to brush-it-up, or blow-dry-it-out after physical activities. But you want to pick hair styles you can touch up within 10-30 minutes following your workout sessions. Summer is approaching, and with the heat comes sweat. If idea NO. 4 is an option for you, I encourage you to experiment with the ideas listed above. Organize a walking, running, or jogging group in your neighborhood, and get out there in the sun, and start exercising. I will leave you with a quote:
"Every excuse that preceeds out of your month becomes a self-filling prophecy. 
So if you say you can, or can't for whatever reason, you are right because you have declared your success or failure. It's your choice which one you choose."


  1. This is great thanks for sharing this to us about African American Hair / Exercise / Hair Dilemma

  2. Jennifer,
    You are more then welcome! If there are any other topics, or subjects you would like more information and/or tips on as it relates to health and fitness let me know. Thanks for commenting!
