Thursday, November 17, 2011


Here are 20 positive thinking exercises that will help you channel your negative or angry thoughts into a happier and more productive outlook, so that you can reach your health and fitness goals. Practice these simple exercises and suggestions to keep your thoughts on the positive side.

1.    Only use positive words when talking. Replace negative words like “I can’t” with positive ones instead. Tell yourself you will do your best or that you will try your hardest instead.
2.    Push out all feelings that aren't positive. Even if it's only for a few hours a day, push your negativity aside and only focus on the good things in your life.
3.    Practice positive affirmation. This means you repeat a positive phrase to yourself on a regular basis like "I deserve to be healthy" or "I am worthy of happiness". Believing that these things are true, and reminding yourself of it can help give you a more positive outlook on your goals / life.
4.    Believe you will succeed. Give yourself the benefit of the doubt and believe that you will succeed at fulfilling your goals.
5.    Analyze what went wrong. Thinking positively doesn't mean denying that there is anything wrong. Instead, give yourself some time to think about the things that led up to your current situation so you can avoid future mistakes and look toward a more positive tomorrow.
6.    Give yourself credit. Often when we feel frustrated or upset we only concentrate on the bad things or the mistakes we've made instead of giving ourselves credit for what we do right. Allow yourself to feel confident about your hard work, even if you back slide along the way.
7.    Remember things could be worse. No matter how bad your health is remember that it could be worse, and be grateful for life and the opportunity to change your situation.
8.    Work on visualization. Picturing what you want to accomplish or the person you'd like to be can be a great motivator to getting you there and helping you feel more positive about the distance you have to go.
9.    Think of ways to turn visualization into action. Just picturing it isn't going to make it happen, so create a plan to take it one step at a time until you've made it.
10. Practice self-hypnosis. Self-hypnosis brings about a highly conscious state of mind. This means you'll be more open to positive suggestions that will allow you to be happier and hopefully healthier in your life.
11. List the reasons you will get what you want. If you are having trouble believing that you'll reach your health / fitness goals try sitting down and coming up with a list of reasons why you will reach your goals rather than focusing on the reasons you might not.
12. Look at the big picture. Is backsliding on your meal / exercise plan a bummer? Will you feel bad about eating that piece of cake? Of course.  Learn to let go of the things that don't really matter, and get back on track.
13. Let go of the past. It does not determine your future so why focus on it?
14. Benefit from the attitudes of others. Take comfort in those around you that have positive attitudes and can make you feel better about anything going on in your life.
15. Meditate. By clearing your mind and relaxing you can push out a large amount of negativity that may be troubling you.
16. Don't let yourself quit. No matter how negative you're feeling, never let yourself quit pursuing something you truly want. You'll thank yourself in the long run if you don't give up.
17. Don't expect change to be easy. No one ever promised that making a big change in your life would be easy or that overcoming obstacles would be a walk in the park. It's not supposed to be. Don't let opposition let you lose your confidence and adapt a negative attitude.
18. Decide why you want what you want. If you're feeling upset because you feel like you aren't achieving your goals, take a moment to sit back and figure out the reasons you actually want to achieve them. You may find you're not as attached to them as you think.
19. Believe you can change. Believe you can change the qualities you don’t like about yourself and you'll start to see little ways that you can.
20. Start immediately. Want to make a positive change in your life? Do it now. Putting it off just gives you time to make excuses so get started as soon as possible.

Sunday, November 13, 2011


Your thoughts are with you all day long, whether you know it or not. From moment to moment they drive your feelings - and your actions. For an outside view, look over this example:

Scenario (negative)
[Sarah at weigh in:] Sarah's done a great job sticking to her meal plan, recording her meals and snacks, staying physically active, and taking her daily vitamins. However, when Sarah weighs in for her weekly check-in, the scale says that she hasn't lost any weight. Automatically she starts thinking, 
"What's the point of working so hard if I'm not going to lose any weight?" 
These thoughts lead to feelings like anger, frustration, and hopelessness. 
Later, on the way to work, she stops at her favorite coffee shop for an extra-large, triple-chocolate cappuccino that she used to order all the time. 

So, what happened-and what could Sarah do differently? 

Sarah's thoughts directly affected her feelings - and therefore, her behavior. Unfortunately, Sarah still believes that weight loss is directly related to how much you eat and exercise the previous week. And that if she doesn't see immediate progress, it isn't working. 
While it is true that food intake and activity affect weight, many other factors do too- especially in the short period of a week. Changes in water retention, the time of day, or Sarah's salt intake can all affect her weight. Sarah let her inner critic (Thoughts) sabotage her efforts
Scenario (positive)
With a little effort and shift in attitude, Sarah can change the way she feels and reacts to her thoughts when she gets off the scale. For instance, Sarah probably wouldn't have decided to drink that fat-gram-loaded coffee if she had thought, 
"I really worked hard, but I know the scale is not the only way to measure my progress over the week. I've been following my meal / exercise plan that my nutritionist recommended, and my clothes are fitting better, so I KNOW I'm losing weight. I know if I continue on my plan, I can reach my goal."Here Sarah's thoughts are more realistic and positive - leaving her feeling good about her progress and optimistic about losing weight. She knows she can do it because she's in control.

In the first case, she evaluated the incident of weighing herself using unrealistic standards. In the second case, Sarah stopped and evaluated the big picture in a rational manner, using realistic expectations.

TIP: The first step in changing the way you think is to become aware of it.

Some simple techniques can help you be more mindful of the thoughts and attitudes that seem positive but are actually hurting your progress will be featured in Pt.3 of “CHANGE YOUR BODY BY CHANGING THE WAY YOU THINK” (Will post within 2-weeks); turn those thoughts into positive agents of change; and reinforce what you're really accomplishing each week, regardless of what the scale says - live healthier and happier.

Saturday, October 29, 2011

What Is Your Body Telling You?

Learning to listen to your body is easy, yet we often don't because we are to busy rushing through life. There are so many fad diets out there, and we as a people (nation) are programmed to want results immediately, be it at work, in politics, governmental changes, or within ourselves (weight). So, what do we do? We get sucked into the propaganda of fad diets believing that we could shed 20 lbs. in two weeks. If you shed 20 lbs. in two weeks, the question is the sustainability of keeping the weight off. Nine out of ten people will gain all of the weight back plus more immediately after coming off the fad diet. Why? Contrary to what one may believe,  overnight success is never sustainable. It takes years of hard work and experience to sustain a successful career. In the case of weight lose and health, it takes months, and most of the time years of listening, and discovering what works for your body (food and exercise) to have sustainability in your weight lose.

I would like to share what I gained recently by listening to my body. My body is very sensitive to carbs. I found out in 2002 that I was gluten intolerant, which was one reason I couldn't control my weight. I have been discovering new things about my body every year since then. What foods my body digests best, what foods my body rejects (be it healthy, or not), what exercises give me the best results for my body, what exercises my body don't like, what relaxes my body, etc. I recently choose not to listen to my body. I got an opportunity to do a fitness photo-shoot, but I had one week to prepare. If you know anything about fitness modeling, you know that you need weeks, and most of the time months to whip the body into shape for fitness photos. Going into it, I knew my body was sensitive to carbs, and by eating them it may prevent me from reaching my fitness goal by the end of the week, so I TOTALLY cut out carbs, and sugar. The only carb I had was fibrous carbs like vegetables. I reached my fitness goal, and the photo-shoot was a success!

I received another opportunity the very next week for another fitness photo-shoot. This time I had two weeks to prepare. Well, I didn't want to introduce carbs back into my diet because, of course my body would blow back up. So, I chose to stay on what is known as a Ketogenic Diet. By the end of the two weeks I was grumpy and unhappy, tired all the time, hungry all the time, I didn't reach my fitness goals, so as a result I was depressed. Part of the unhappiness was due to the fact that my Serotonin levels were really low. My body actually went into reverse. Even though, I did not have carbs in my diet, I started to gain weight. Why? I believe it was because I wasn't listening. I went on this extreme diet believing it was going to get me the results I wanted. Although, the first time was a success, to sustain that look I had to stay on the diet. But is being on a diet your whole life sustainable? I don't think so. What I needed to do is listen. I didn't like feeling unhappy, and depressed, so I decided sustaining an unrealistic look is not worth my happiness. I needed balance!

I introduced gluten free oatmeal, peanut butter, and berries back into my diet. Knowing how sensitive my body is to carbs, I decided to be smart by eating these items early during the day, before or after a workout. Introducing these items back into my diet, along with making sure I slept 7-8 hours a night, and making time to read (I have learned that reading relaxes my body) has brought balance to my life, and without doing any kind of exercise I lose 3 lbs. in two days. How is that? I believe I was putting to much stress on my body by getting up at 4:30 AM every morning after going to bed at 11:30 PM, just so I could get my 5:00 AM cardio in, starving myself of a balanced diet, which lead to unhappiness and stress. When you are stressed you release a hormone called Cortisol, which will prevent your body from operating efficiently. Your immune system may break down, and/or you may gain weight due to the stress. Also, the lack of sleep I believe contributed to my weight gain verses weight lose. The weight gain was my body screaming I need balance, I am unhappy, you are hurting me!!!

If you are on a weight lose journey. My best advice for you is listen to your body. Let your body tell you what to take out of your diet, what exercises work for you, how much sleep you need, what you need to do to relax. All of these things are vital for sustainable weight lose. I have a client, and her doctor has been telling her for years if she eat certain foods, and exercise she will lose weight. When she started training with me, the first thing we did was talked about her diet. She told me how her doctor told her to eat certain foods, but every time she ate them they made her feel bad. I told her to stop eating them! If you are feeling bad, it's because your body is talking to you saying, "I don't like this, it hurts me". Your body is your best personal(sports) trainer and/or nutritionist. It tells you everything it needs and don't need, you just have to learn to listen. The weight will come off. Maybe not 20 lbs in two weeks, but gradually. Control your weight by listening to your body!

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Change Your Body By Changing The Way You Think (PT.1)

Everyday I turn on my television I am subjected to commercials of weight loss products, or diets that are suppose to help you loss weight fast. Over the years I myself have tried a number of fast weight loss products, and programs. Yes, I would loss 5-10 pounds within two weeks, but I would gain it back within days. Why? Because the weight loss program did not teach about proper nutrition or the importance of consistent exercise, it only encouraged me to abstain from certain foods for two weeks, and afterward I went back to my old way of eating, which was causing my weight gain. A healthier approach to losing weight is steady weight loss, which is achieved through channeling your thoughts.

How you think influences how you feel, how you act, and what you do. This is true in so many areas, but especially in weight loss. Disappointment, sense of defeat and failure, and dread can derail many weeks of success or stop people even before they start. While it's important to envision your goal, it's also important to be realistic about the task ahead.

For example, ask yourself, "Is it realistic to expect to lose 5 pounds every week?" Most people will answer yes, but they don't realize that it's the wrong question. Even if the number on the scale doesn't move, you're still moving forward if you're sticking to your nutrition / exercise plan. Focus more on how you feel, how your clothes fit, and if you have more energy - and be patient with yourself! You will reach your health / fitness goals, and be able to sustain the results by taking a steady approach in your weight lose. 

Flyer for a workshop that will revolutionize your thinking about weight loss, and sustainable health. If you are in the Maryland, Virginia, DC area, I highly recommend you attend. To register email me at

Sunday, September 18, 2011


            I am reading a book by Russell Simmons entitled Super Rich: A Guide to Having it All. The title would make you think the book is about obtaining the material things of this world including a lot of money, but it’s not. One of the most powerful statements made in the book was when he was talking about his daughters. He stated: “I want them to understand that the peace and tranquility they feel after meditating is actually their natural state. That no matter what happens in the world around them, there’s nothing that can disturb that pool of stillness that lies in their hearts.” Meditation can often be perceived as a spiritual practice done by monks, yogis, and more. Though that is true there are several benefits at the health level that I would like to share with yo, in hopes that you will see the need to cultivate your natural state of inner peace and happiness.

“If you’re still wondering whether meditation is something you need, ask yourself this: Where do you spend most of your time? In the stress and chaos of the world? Or resting in the perfection of your heart?” Another great passage from the book. If you are that person that spends most of your time in the stress and chaos then meditation is vital for you. A lot of the health problems that we deal with can be alleviated with just twenty minutes of meditation a day, longer if desired.

Health benefits of Meditation:
Þ   It lowers oxygen consumption.
Þ   It decreases respiratory rate.
Þ   It increases blood flow and slows the heart rate.
Þ   Increases exercise tolerance in heart patients.
Þ   Good for people with high blood pressure as it brings the B.P. to normal.
Þ   It increases serotonin production, which influences mood and behavior. Low levels of serotonin are associated with depression, obesity, insomnia and headaches.
Þ   Helps in chronic diseases like allergies, arthritis etc.
Þ   Enhances the immune system, and more.

Meditation has been proved scientifically to combat stress, the nervous system and stress related disorders like high blood pressure, insomnia, and heart diseases. Here are seven simple steps for meditation:

1.    Find a Quiet Space Where You Won’t be Interrupted – Don’t let not having a quiet space be your justification for not meditating. Eckhart Tolle writes, “Silence is helpful, but you don’t need it to find stillness. Even where there is noise, you can be aware of the stillness under the noise.”
2.    Get Comfortable - Find a chair or meditation cushion where your body can be erect, but relaxed.
3.    Choose Something to Listen to - That might be silence, the crickets chirping outside, a thunderstorm or peaceful and uplifting music.
4.    Focus Your Thought on Your Breath – In the book Russell encourages TM – Transcendental Meditation, but I know very little about that form of meditation. Meditation can be as simple as feeling your body inhale, and then exhale.
5.    Every Time Your Mind Wanders, Bring it Back to Your Breath – Again. And Again. And Again.
6.    Set an Alarm Clock – This will keep you from worrying about the time.
7.    Stretch Arms and Legs – When your alarm sounds don’t jump up. Slowly open eyes, breath a couple of deep breaths, stretch your arms and legs, and stand up slowly.

Meditation is a great way to cultivate your natural state of inner peace and happiness. This practice will make you a healthier person without stepping a foot in the gym. Reading this article is a form of meditation. Now take it a step farther, and still yourself for ten to twenty minutes and concentrate on your breath. 

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Entertainment Industry Panelist - Howard University

I wanted to take a moment to share an opportunity I received today. I set on a panel of entertainment industry professionals as one of their peers at Howard University today. I was the professional actress/filmmaker on the panel. I shared advice, wisdom, and tips with aspiring artists from young adults to adults. It was quite amazing because I am so use to being on the other side of the table listening, and grabbing up as much advice I can from industry professionals, but today I had an opportunity to be that elite professional others look up to. You maybe saying, What have you done to deserve that opportunity? Honestly, I asked myself the same thing as I set there being admired by people my age, and older. Finally the answer came to me, ALOT!

Kym Whitley / Salone
Twinkie Byrd (Casting Director)
I have worked with elite industry professionals like Twinkie Byrd (casting director), Gina Ravera (Actress), Laurence Fishburne (Actor), Kym Whitley (Actress), Kevin Bray (Director), among others. During my time in LA, which I am still very much connected to, Kimberly Brooks (Actress) said this about me,

"Salone Jones's powerful on camera presence as an actress is unarguable; her dancing inspires you to move; and her story telling ability as a filmmaker is captivating. Undoubtedly, Ms. Jones is a rising star that is taking the world by storm." 

A music video I produced while in film school made it into the "Hollywood Black Film Festival" in 2005, which I was so honored, and shocked my work made it into a Hollywood festival. We received best independent music video that year. I moved to California in 2006. In 2008, I was producing the Hollywood Black Film Festival as Twinkie Byrd's producer for her elite industry panelist. This is what Twickie Byrd said about me,

"Salone Jones makes it happen." 

While in California I was an actress for Television shows such as Private Practice, Greys Anatomy, CSI, General Hospital, and more. In March of this year, I acted in a feature film that is scheduled to be released in 2012 called "Savannah", in which I played Chiwetel Ejiofor's mother who was killed trying to save him.

I wrote a bio for myself while in California about 2-years ago, and at the bottom is a quote I had 
forgotten I wrote, and it goes, "I believe it is our duty as human beings to be of service to others. 
I see it as an honor and a duty to share my talent with others." At this point in my life I would like 
to add that I see it as an honor, and duty to share my talent and experience with others. I was
overwhelmed first by how hungry people were to know what I know, secondly I was overwhelmed
that I had sound advice to give them through my experiences. 

This experience has taught me that you shouldn't under mind any experience. Everything counts 
in life, and I am a successful actress/filmmaker not because of the amount of zeros in my bank 
account, because God knows I am still waiting for those to increase, or because of the role I am 
famous for, but I am a successful artist because of my work ethic, which speaks for itself. If I 
wasn't a successful actress based on my acting ability I would not have landed the role of 
Chiwetel Ejiofor's mother in the movie "Savannah." I never had to audition for that role. A 
cinematographer remembered me from a 2002 film I did, and told the casting director of 
"Savannah" that she had to find me to play the role of the mother, and this was in 2010, that means 
the cinematographer remembered my work from 8 years ago. It's opportunities like that, and the 
one I received today that makes me first thankful, and secondly determined to always put my best 
foot forward because you never know who is watching you, and what opportunity can come from it. 
By the way the actress Kimberly Brooks from California is the individual that recommended me as 
one of the panelist. It's just amazing to me that I am in DC, and still getting opportunities from 
California, but I am open. I have already been asked by Kemet Productions Int'l, INC. to speak at 
their next event in New York City. Only thing I can say is God's amazing, and I refuse to believe 
other wise.  

Alexia Robinson
(Acting Coach/Mentor)

Laurence Fishburne
Kimberly Brooks / Salone 

Monday, June 27, 2011

SalFit Training Session w/ IFBB Pro Chikondi Mseka

Saludar a todos (Greetings Everyone),

Yesterday, June 26, 2011, I had an opportunity to train with IFBB Pro Chikondi Mseka. The one and only Peter Gordon (We are both clients of his), was there pushing and torching us, Lol! Just joking. I had a lot of fun, and training with Chikondi was motivating for me. She has such a small frame, but can move more weight then myself. I'm not mad or jealous, it just makes me want to push harder during my training sessions. Chikondi is where I aspire to be. She is the hottest sort after Pro Figure Competitor of 2011. Rx Muscle among other high profile companies are interviewing Chikondi, and magazine companies are contacting her for featured spreads. It was definitely an honor to train with someone of her caliber. We trained Calves / Shoulders, see below for some of the sets.

Calves / Shoulder Training:
  1. Captain Chair
    • Target lower abs
  2. Incline Bench 
    • Target upper / mid abs
  3. Seated Calf Raises
  4. Calf-Raises w/Leg Press Machine 
    • Super-Set w/ Alternating 1-Leg Calf Raises on elevated plate-form
  5. Standing Calf Raises w/Standing Calf Machine
  6. Seated Shoulder Press w/Smith Machine
    • Warm-up sets
    • Drop-sets
  7. Dumbbell Lateral Raises
    • Regular sets
    • Drop-sets
  8. Alternating 1-Arm Lateral Raises w/Cable Machine
  9. Dumbbell Bent Over 1-Arm Lateral Raises 
    • Target Rear Deltoids
  10. Pectoralis Machine
    • Used to target Rear Deltoids
  11. Seated Shoulder Press w/Smith Machine (Heavy Sets)
  12. 45 minutes - 1 hour Cardio (Stair-Master) 
I hope and pray, I get another opportunity to train legs, back, Gluts, triceps / biceps with Chikondi. It was definitely a pleasure, and I can't wait for the next session. I wish much success and prosperity to Chikondi Mseka on her journey as an IFBB Pro Figure Competitor.