Sunday, September 18, 2011


            I am reading a book by Russell Simmons entitled Super Rich: A Guide to Having it All. The title would make you think the book is about obtaining the material things of this world including a lot of money, but it’s not. One of the most powerful statements made in the book was when he was talking about his daughters. He stated: “I want them to understand that the peace and tranquility they feel after meditating is actually their natural state. That no matter what happens in the world around them, there’s nothing that can disturb that pool of stillness that lies in their hearts.” Meditation can often be perceived as a spiritual practice done by monks, yogis, and more. Though that is true there are several benefits at the health level that I would like to share with yo, in hopes that you will see the need to cultivate your natural state of inner peace and happiness.

“If you’re still wondering whether meditation is something you need, ask yourself this: Where do you spend most of your time? In the stress and chaos of the world? Or resting in the perfection of your heart?” Another great passage from the book. If you are that person that spends most of your time in the stress and chaos then meditation is vital for you. A lot of the health problems that we deal with can be alleviated with just twenty minutes of meditation a day, longer if desired.

Health benefits of Meditation:
Þ   It lowers oxygen consumption.
Þ   It decreases respiratory rate.
Þ   It increases blood flow and slows the heart rate.
Þ   Increases exercise tolerance in heart patients.
Þ   Good for people with high blood pressure as it brings the B.P. to normal.
Þ   It increases serotonin production, which influences mood and behavior. Low levels of serotonin are associated with depression, obesity, insomnia and headaches.
Þ   Helps in chronic diseases like allergies, arthritis etc.
Þ   Enhances the immune system, and more.

Meditation has been proved scientifically to combat stress, the nervous system and stress related disorders like high blood pressure, insomnia, and heart diseases. Here are seven simple steps for meditation:

1.    Find a Quiet Space Where You Won’t be Interrupted – Don’t let not having a quiet space be your justification for not meditating. Eckhart Tolle writes, “Silence is helpful, but you don’t need it to find stillness. Even where there is noise, you can be aware of the stillness under the noise.”
2.    Get Comfortable - Find a chair or meditation cushion where your body can be erect, but relaxed.
3.    Choose Something to Listen to - That might be silence, the crickets chirping outside, a thunderstorm or peaceful and uplifting music.
4.    Focus Your Thought on Your Breath – In the book Russell encourages TM – Transcendental Meditation, but I know very little about that form of meditation. Meditation can be as simple as feeling your body inhale, and then exhale.
5.    Every Time Your Mind Wanders, Bring it Back to Your Breath – Again. And Again. And Again.
6.    Set an Alarm Clock – This will keep you from worrying about the time.
7.    Stretch Arms and Legs – When your alarm sounds don’t jump up. Slowly open eyes, breath a couple of deep breaths, stretch your arms and legs, and stand up slowly.

Meditation is a great way to cultivate your natural state of inner peace and happiness. This practice will make you a healthier person without stepping a foot in the gym. Reading this article is a form of meditation. Now take it a step farther, and still yourself for ten to twenty minutes and concentrate on your breath. 


  1. TM has interesting effects on humans beyond simple relaxation. Breath watching generally doesn't allow one to reach deeper attention levels, while TM practice can and does. The deepest level of attention is called "pure consciousness" where one is alert but has no thoughts, nor any other object of attention (such as being aware of breathing). In sanskrit, it is called "turiya." there are actual physical signs of this state that appear in scientific research on people practicing TM, but not in research of people practicing breath watching, that I have heard of.

  2. Anonymous, thank you for commenting. I have heard that TM takes the meditating experience to the next level. Though, I cannot discount the peace and happiness I receive by just concentrating on my breathing for 30-minutes daily, which helps me to free my mind of the cares of day to day life, even if the breathing technique is the basic level of meditation.

    Yet, this forum was design to be a plateform for growth and learning, so I am willing to post a part 2 to this article if you are interested in writting an article explaining TM, it's benefits, etc. If you are interested email article to You will receive full credit for that article. Thanks again for commenting.
