Sunday, October 9, 2011

Change Your Body By Changing The Way You Think (PT.1)

Everyday I turn on my television I am subjected to commercials of weight loss products, or diets that are suppose to help you loss weight fast. Over the years I myself have tried a number of fast weight loss products, and programs. Yes, I would loss 5-10 pounds within two weeks, but I would gain it back within days. Why? Because the weight loss program did not teach about proper nutrition or the importance of consistent exercise, it only encouraged me to abstain from certain foods for two weeks, and afterward I went back to my old way of eating, which was causing my weight gain. A healthier approach to losing weight is steady weight loss, which is achieved through channeling your thoughts.

How you think influences how you feel, how you act, and what you do. This is true in so many areas, but especially in weight loss. Disappointment, sense of defeat and failure, and dread can derail many weeks of success or stop people even before they start. While it's important to envision your goal, it's also important to be realistic about the task ahead.

For example, ask yourself, "Is it realistic to expect to lose 5 pounds every week?" Most people will answer yes, but they don't realize that it's the wrong question. Even if the number on the scale doesn't move, you're still moving forward if you're sticking to your nutrition / exercise plan. Focus more on how you feel, how your clothes fit, and if you have more energy - and be patient with yourself! You will reach your health / fitness goals, and be able to sustain the results by taking a steady approach in your weight lose. 

Flyer for a workshop that will revolutionize your thinking about weight loss, and sustainable health. If you are in the Maryland, Virginia, DC area, I highly recommend you attend. To register email me at

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