Friday, October 29, 2010


A misconception about what "Healthy" is has been sending people to their graves prematurely for a long time. Note that I said what “Healthy” is, not what “Healthy” looks like! It’s the idea that just because you are thin you are healthy that has been sending people to their graves prematurely. Magazines and the media promote this supermodel image, and we assume that that is what we should all strive to look like, or be. Maybe it would surprise you to know that many of these beautiful (on the outside) women may actually have high percentage of body fat! I encourage people of all sizes to exercise, and I often get the same response from individuals of the smaller size: “I don’t need to exercise”.  This statement cannot be farther from the truth. Health is measured not by size, or by how you look on the outside: it’s what’s on the inside that counts.  There is a difference between being thin and being healthy, and the difference lies in body composition.
Body composition is a measure of the lean tissue and of the fatty tissue that makes up your body weight. Your body is comprised of many tissues – fat, bones, muscles, tendons, ligaments, organs and lots of water. Ideally it is best to keep fat lower and lean muscle mass higher.

skinny fat peopleBeing overweight is sometimes used synonymously with an unfavorable body composition; however, excess body weight is not a definitive assessment for unfavorable body composition, just as thin is not synonymous with fit and healthy. Extreme athletes or weight lifters can have a body weight that is considered outside of a healthy reference range, but their body compositions may be optimal due to the high amount of lean muscle. Body composition is measured by body mass index (BMI). It is calculated by dividing weight by height. A BMI in the range of 25 to 29.9 is considered overweight, while 30 or more is considered clinically obese.

If you aim to be truly “Healthy”, your goal should be to maintain a healthy muscle mass along with eating a highly nutritious, low-calorice diet, which has been proven to slow the aging process. In addition, exercise regularly. Have you ever known an automobile that has never had an oil change, or gotten a tune up to last for years? NO! Neither can you expect your body to last you for years without changing its oil (proper nutrition), and making sure it has regular tune ups (exercise). Without regular exercise and the proper nutrition you are laying the groundwork for many chronic diseases associated with aging, and premature death.

1.     Adopt an exercise plan that incorporates cardiovascular exercise along with weight training. I recommend you do your weight training first followed by your cardio if you are doing them both on the same day.
2.     Eat protein with every meal, eat every three hours and skip the sugar.  Protein is the building block of muscle, and it is essential for repair after workouts.
3.     Keep stress levels manageable. Elevated levels of stress hormone can have a negative effect on body composition by increasing the breakdown of muscle mass and increasing the deposition of fat around the abdomen.


Sunday, October 24, 2010


I am a practitioner of Holistic Health. I take an integrated approach to my health and fitness. Looking at myself from a holistic or whole person perspective and improving my health from the cellular level out. I seek lasting results that go beyond physical appearance. I specialize in Functional Strength Training, Yoga, and cardiovascular fitness (Zumba), which allows for a balanced fitness regiment. My weekly regiment includes functional strength training, Yoga, Pilates, and Dance.
My fitness journey started at the age of 13 as a dancer. It became obvious to me that in order to excel as a dancer I needed to cross train. So, I did what seemed appropriate at the time, I started to lift weights to gain strength, but eventually that only hindered me as a dancer. My muscles became tighter, and injuries followed.  I realized very quickly that lifting weights may be the ideal fitness style for some people, but it did not help me reach my fitness goals. As a dancer I went through years of not liking my weight, and feeling fat. I did everything I could to lose weight, short of starving myself. I sought nutritionists, and various doctors, but it wasn’t until 10 years later that I realized that I had to approach my health and fitness from a holistic approach in order to receive the lasting results I desired.
After a number of injuries, and various unsuccessful diets that kept my weight on a roller coaster ride, I joined a YMCA where I took my first Yoga class. It was through Yoga I was introduced to inner peace with oneself. I started to like myself at any weight. I started to see a change in my body after three weeks, and slowly my weight started to drop, and chronic injuries I had been dealing with for years started to heal. This enlightenment began my holistic health journey. It wasn’t until two years later I found out I was Gluten Sensitive (Severe cause known as Celiac Disease). This was one of the main reasons for my inability to lose, and maintain my weight. Although I had a healthy diet, it was filled with wheat, barley, and rye products, I constantly felt bloated, and weighted down. I know now that my digestive system was unable to process the food I was taken in, so it was being stored as fat. This came from self-discovery, not a doctor.
My philosophy is:
Take a progressive and integrated approach to health and fitness. One size does not fit all. You have to discover what works for your body on every level (Physically, Mentally, Spiritually).
We all need to move, so try different fitness styles, and see which one works best on your body. Chose a fitness program that is going to give you the results you are looking for. If you desire to build mass then maybe lifting weights is right for you. If you desire toned lean muscles maybe functional training, yoga, or pilates will give you the results you desire. You have to explore these things to find out, so get moving!
We all need to eat. Exercise is not enough. You have to understand proper nutrition, and eating right for your overall health, not just to lose weight. Seeking a nutritionist is a good first step, but remember just because something is classified as a healthy food choice that doesn’t mean it is good for you (Read Eat Right 4 Your Blood Type by:Dr. Peter J. D'Adamo). You can’t simply lose weight to get healthy; you have to get healthy to lose weight.
We are all Unique. My holistic approach to health and fitness centers around the idea that we are all unique. Finding a fitness program and eating regimen that works for you is key to having lasting results that helps you as an individual reach your health and fitness goals.
To start your journey of self-discovery I encourage you to join a fitness center that offers a variety of fitness programs (Weight Training, Wellness classes like Yoga and Pilates, and Group Fitness Classes, etc.). If a monthly membership is not in your budget you can create a home fitness center for yourself, by purchasing a couple fitness DVD’s that will lead you through some great exercises, or just visit my YouTube channel for great ideas. There is nothing stopping you from starting your journey toward a healthier you, but YOU!

Tuesday, October 19, 2010


Greetings to all my readers. I would like to officially welcome you to my blog where I plan to share, learn, and grow with you as we talk about fitness and nutrition. My first official article will post this Sunday entitled HOLISTIC "HEALTH". It's an article of my fitness and nutritional journey, and I hope that it will inspire, encourage, and motivate you. I would encourage you to subscribe to my blog, so that you can stay in the loop, and receive an email when a new article is posted. I would like to emphasize that this blog is a round table discussion, so without your comments, questions, and feedback I will never know how to best serve you. One of my goals for this blog is to present useful information to my readers. SO LETS CHAT!

In addition, on October 24, 2010 the official SalFitness Youtube Channel will launch, so make sure to check out the videos, and leave your comments. If you like the videos, and would like to see even more in the future you can make a donation toward continual production by clicking on the DONATE button on the bottom right side of this page, which you will always be able to use at anytime. I can't tell you enough how excited I am about sharing with you, and I hope you will subscribe TODAY!